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The useFind Method

Learn how to perform automatic queries with built-in pagination support.

The service.useFind function is a Vue Composition API utility that takes the work out of retrieving lists of records from the store or API server.

Overview of Features

The service.useFind utility is a workflow-driven utility. Here's an overview of its features:

  • Intelligent Fall-Through Caching - Like SWR, but way smarter.
  • Live Queries - For server data, reactive records. For client-side data, reactive lists and records. No need to manually refresh data.
  • Client-Side Pagination - Built in, sharing the same logic with usePagination.
  • Server-Side Pagination - Also built in and made super easy.
  • Infinite Pagination Support - Bind to allData and tell it when to load more data.
  • Declarative Workflow Support - Compose computed params and let query as they change.
  • Imperative Workflow Support - Pass reactive params for imperative control.


In Feathers-Pinia 3.0, the useFind utility is only available as a service method.

You can call useFind directly from the Model. avoiding the need to manually pass the store in the params, as shown here:

interface Props {
  userId: string | number
const props = defineProps<Props>()

const { api } = useFeathers()

const params = computed(() => {
  return { query: { userId: props.userId } }

// client-side pagination with manual fetch
const { data, prev, next } = api.service('messages').useFind(params)
await api.service('messages').find({ query: { $limit: 100 } }) // retrieve data for the current query

await next() // show the next page of results
await prev() // show the previous page of results

// server-side pagination with auto fetch
const { data, prev, next } = api.service('messages').useFind(params, { paginateOn: 'server' })
await next() // retrieve the next page of results
await prev() // retrieve the previous page of results



  • params can be a reactive a ref or a computed object of the following structure:

    • query {Object} required a Feathers query object.
    • clones {Boolean} returns result as clones. See Querying Data
    • temps {Boolean} includes temp records in the results. See Querying Data
    • qid {string} an identifier for this query. Allows pagination data to be tracked separately.
  • options

    • paginateOn {string} can be 'client', 'server', or 'hybrid' Default is 'client'.
      • when set to 'client', you need to manually make API queries using service.find(), then you can paginate on that data without making additional requests.
      • when set to 'server', the internal findInStore getter will return only the results that match the current query in the pagination object for this store. Setting paginate: 'server' gives up live lists and gives all control to the API server, which means you have to refetch in order for results to change. Refetching currently happens whenever a created, updated, or removed event is provided. This will potentially be refined in the future.
      • when set to 'hybrid', you get server-side pagination with live lists. This will likely become the default in the future.
    • pagination {Object} an object containing two refs: $limit and $skip. This allows you to synchronize the internally-controlled pagination with UI-bound $limit and $skip properties.
    • immediate {boolean = true} when paginateOn: 'server' is set, by default it will make an initial request. Set immediate: false to prevent the initial request.
    • watch {boolean = false} enable this to automatically query when reactive or ref params are changed. This does not apply to computed params, since they are automatically watched.

Returned Object

The useFind function is actually a factory function that returns an instance of the Find class. So when you call useFind you get back an object with the following properties:

Params & Config

  • isSsr {Computed boolean} will be true if isSsr was passed into the useService options for this service store. Useful for awaint the request during SSR.
  • qid {Ref string} the query identifier. Causes this query's pagination data to be stored under its own qid in store.pagination.


  • data {Ref Array} the array of results.
  • allData {Ref Array} all results for the matching query or server-retrieved data. With paginateOn: 'server', will return the correct results, even with custom query params that the store does not understand.
  • total {Computed number} One of two things: For client-side results, the total number of records in the store that match the query. For paginateOn: 'server' results, the total number of records on the server that match the query.

Query Tracking

  • currentQuery {Computed Object} an object containing the following:
    • qid {string} the query identifier
    • ids {number[]} the ids in this page of data
    • items {Record[]} the items in this page of data
    • total {number} the total number of items matching this query
    • queriedAt {number} the timestamp when this page of data was retrieved. Useful when used with queryWhen to prevent repeated queries during a period of time.
    • queryState {Object} a pagination object from the store
  • latestQuery {Computed Object} an object containing the following:
    • pageId {string} stable stringified page params
    • pageParams {Object} the page params
    • queriedAt {number} timestamp when this page of records was received from the server.
    • query {Object} the query params, including $limit and $skip.
    • queryId {string} stable-stringified query params
    • queryParams {Object} the query params, excluding $limit and $skip.
    • total {number} the total number of records matching the query.
  • previousQuery {Computed Object} an object with the same format as latestQuery.

Data Retrieval & Watching

  • find {Function} the same as store.find.
  • request {Ref Promise} the promise for the current request.
  • requestCount {Computed number} the number of requests sent by this Find instance.
  • queryWhen {Function} pass a function that returns a boolean into queryWhen and that function will be run before retrieving data. If it returns false, the query will not happen.
  • findInStore {Function} the same as store.findInStore.

Request State

  • isPending {Computed boolean} returns true if the current request is pending.
  • haveBeenRequested {Computed boolean} returns true if any request has been sent by this Find instance. Never resets for the life of the instance.
  • haveLoaded {Computed boolean} essentially the same purpose, but opposite of isPending. Returns true once the request finishes.
  • error {Computed error} will contain any error. The error will be cleared when a new request is made or when manually calling clearError.
  • clearError {Function} call this function to clear the error.

Pagination Utils

  • limit {Ref number} the pagination $limit. Updating this value will change the internal pagination and the returned data.
  • skip {Ref number} the pagination $skip. Updating this value will change the internal pagination and the returned data.
  • pageCount {Computed number} the number of pages for the current query params.
  • currentPage {Ref number} the current page number. Can be set to change to that page, or use toPage(pageNumber).
  • canPrev {Computed boolean} returns true if there is a previous page.
  • canNext {Computed boolean} returns true if there is a next page.
  • next {Function} moves to the next page of data.
  • prev {Function} moves to the previous page of data.
  • toStart {Function} moves to the first page of data.
  • toEnd {Function} moves to the last page of data.
  • toPage(pageNumber) {Function}


Let's look at the two most-common use cases: client-side pagination and server-side pagination.

Client Paging with Live Lists

If you want live-updating lists, use client-side pagination. You set the page size in the initial query. Then you can use the find utility to request multiple pages of data. The example below sets $limit to 10, which determines the page size. It then retrieves 25 pages of data ($limit: 250) in a separate query.

const { api } = useFeathers()

const params = computed(() => {
  return query: { $limit: 10, $skip: 0 }
// Set page size with $limit in the initial query
const { data, next, prev, find } = api.service('posts').useFind(params)
// fetch multiple pages of data
await api.service('posts').find({ query: { $limit: 250 } })

// move to the next page
await next()

// move to the previous page
await prev()

Server Paging, Auto Fetch

Another common use case is server-side pagination (gives the server full control and disables live-updating lists). Enable it by passing paginateOn: 'server' in the options. You can also pull out isPending to show a status indicator when a request is pending. That's it!


When you enable paginateOn: 'server', all control is given to the server, which disables live list updates. For live lists, use client-side pagination, as shown in the previous example.

const { api } = useFeathers()

// pagination attributes can go inside params if you don't need external control, 
// like for Vuetify or other components.
const pagination = { $limit: ref(10), $skip: ref(0) }
const params = computed(() => {
  return query: {}
const { data, next, prev, isPending } = api.service('posts').useFind(params, { 
  paginateOn: 'server'

// move to the next page
await next()

// move to the previous page
await prev()

Many thanks go to the Vue and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!