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Service Stores

Learn about the state, getters, and actions in service stores.

Every service has a store property, which includes the following API.

Returned API

The object returned from useDataStore is built on top of the BaseModel store. Refer to the Standalone data store documentation for API details. The following sections will cover store APIs not in the BaseModel store.

The following sections cover additional APIs returned when calling useDataStore. APIs are grouped by functionality.

Additional State

  • service
  • paramsForServer
  • skipGetIfExists
  • isSsr

Model Config

  • Model gives access to the Model Function provided in the options.
  • setModel(Model) Allows setting/replacing the Model. This means you can call useFind without a Model and set the model afterwards.

Pagination State

  • pagination keeps track of the latest pagination data for each paginated request to the server. You generally won't manually modify this.
  • updatePaginationForQuery()
  • unflagSsr()

Pending State

  • isPending
  • createPendingById keeps track of individual records, by id, that have pending create requests.
  • updatePendingById keeps track of individual records, by id, that have pending update requests.
  • patchPendingById keeps track of individual records, by id, that have pending patch requests.
  • removePendingById keeps track of individual records, by id, that have pending remove requests.
  • isFindPending is a boolean computed which will be true if any find request is pending.
  • isCountPending is a boolean computed which will be true if any count request is pending.
  • isGetPending is a boolean computed which will be true if any get request is pending.
  • isCreatePending is a boolean computed which will be true if any create request is pending.
  • isUpdatePending is a boolean computed which will be true if any update request is pending.
  • isPatchPending is a boolean computed which will be true if any patch request is pending.
  • isRemovePending is a boolean computed which will be true if any remove request is pending.
  • setPending() allows setting a method as pending.
  • setPendingById() allows setting a record as pending by method name and record id.
  • unsetPendingById() allows unsetting a record's pending status.
  • clearAllPending() resets pending state back to its original, empty state.

Event Locks

Event locks are automatically managed and require no manual upkeep.

  • eventLocks helps prevent receiving normal, duplicate responses from the API server during CRUD actions. Instead of processing both the CRUD response AND the realtime event data, it only handles one of them.
  • toggleEventLock() used to toggle an event lock.
  • clearEventLock() used to turn off an event lock

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