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The Feathers-Pinia Client

Wrap your Feathers Client in pure productivity.


The createPiniaClient utility is the primary utility in Feathers-Pinia. It wraps the Feathers Client and enhances it with additional service methods.

createPiniaClient(feathersClient, {
  pinia: nuxt.$pinia,
  ssr: !!process.server,
  storage: window.localStorage,
  // below are configurable per service in the `services` object.
  idField: '_id',
  syncWithStorage: true || ['itemsById', 'pagination', 'etc'],
  whitelist: ['$customLocalParam'],
  paramsForServer: ['$customServerParam'],
  skipGetIfExists: true,
  handleEvents: {}, // HandleEvents<AnyData>
  debounceEventsTime: 20,
  debounceEventsGuarantee: false,
  customSiftOperators: {}, // see sift docs
  // runs for every service
  setupInstance: (data = {}, { api, service, servicePath }) => {
    if (servicePath.startsWith('my-'))
      Object.defineProperty(data, 'belongsToMe', {
        get() {
          return true
    return data
  customizeStore(defaultStore) {
    // You can directly modify the defaultStore object
    defaultStore.globalValue = ref(true)
  // Service config, keyed by path, See service configuration to 
  // learn how options are merged with the global config.
  services: {
    users: {
      idField: 'id',
    contacts: {
      whitelist: ['$test'],
      // runs after the global setupInstance
      setupInstance(data: any, , { api, service, servicePath }) {
        const withDefaults = useInstanceDefaults({ name: '', age: 0 }, data)
        return withDefaults
      // customize the store for a single service
      customizeStore(defaultStore) {
        defaultStore.contactsValue = ref(true)
        return { otherValue: true } // returned values will be merged, as well
    tasks: {
      skipGetIfExists: true,

Let's take a look at the possible configuration values.

Global Configuration

The pseudo-interface, below, shows possible configuration values with their default values. Values not followed by ? are required and have no default value.

interface CreatePiniaClientConfig {
  idField: string
  pinia: Pinia
  ssr?: false,
  storage?: undefined,
  services?: {},
  // global and per-service options
  syncWithStorage?: undefined,
  whitelist?: string[],
  paramsForServer?: string[],
  skipGetIfExists?: true,
  handleEvents?: HandleEvents<AnyData>
  debounceEventsTime?: 20
  debounceEventsGuarantee?: false
  customSiftOperators?: {},
  setupInstance?: (data = {}, , { api, service, servicePath }) => ({})
  customizeStore?: (defaultStore) => {}

Let's take a closer look at each one:

  • idField {String} is the attribute on the record that will serve as the unique identifier or "primary key" in the database.

  • pinia {Pinia} your app's primary Pinia instance. Allows dynamic creation of stores.

  • ssr {Boolean} indicates if Feathers-Pinia is loading in an SSR environment. Paginated queries made during SSR will be marked with ssr: true. When a matching request is made on the client (when ssr is false) the store data will clear the ssr flag for that request.

  • storage {Storage} a Storage interface. Must be provided to enable storage sync. The most typical option is window.localStorage.

  • services {Record<string, PiniaServiceConfig>} an object, keyed by service path, which allows passing specific configuration to individual services. See Service Configuration.

  • syncWithStorage can be set to true or to an array of store keys to sync to the storage adapter. If set to true, the default keys will be used, which are ['itemsById', 'pagination']. See Storage Sync

  • whitelist is an array of keys to allow in the findInStore queries.

  • paramsForServer is an array of query keys for findInStore to ignore and pass to the find action's query.

  • skipGetIfExists {Boolean} when enabled will cause a .get request to automatically resolve with the stored record, if one exists. If not, the request will be made as normal.

  • handleEvents {Object} is an object that lets you customize how realtime events are handled. Each key is a name

  • of a realtime event handler function: created, patched, updated, or removed. You can provide your own handler

  • to customize and override individual events. The handler's function signature is

    function eventHandler(data, { service }) {
       // handle event
    const handleEvents = {
      created: eventHandler,
      patched: eventHandler,
      updated: eventHandler,
      removed: eventHandler,
  • debounceEventsTime {Number} determines how long to wait until flushing a batch of events. Defaults to 20. If no events have been received in a 20 millisecond period, all gathered events will be processed.

  • debounceEventsGuarantee {Boolean} forces accumulated events to flush every debounceEventsTime interval. Off by default.

  • customSiftOperators {Object} allows passing an object of custom sift operators which are used to query data from the store with findInStore and useFind. All sift operators are enabled for store queries.

  • setupInstance {Function} a global model function that allows modifying instances from all services. It has the following shape:

    // modify data and return the modified object
    function setupInstance(data, { app, service, servicePath }) {
      return data
  • customizeStore {Function} a function that allows modifying the store for all services. Return the modified store or an object to merge into the store.

Service Configuration

interface PiniaServiceConfig {
  idField?: string
  whitelist?: string[]
  paramsForServer?: string[]
  skipGetIfExists?: boolean
  handleEvents?: HandleEvents<AnyData>
  debounceEventsTime?: number
  debounceEventsGuarantee?: boolean
  setupInstance?: (data: any, utils: SetupInstanceUtils) => any
  customizeStore?: (data: ReturnType<typeof useServiceStore>) => Record<string, any>
  customSiftOperators?: Record<string, any>

interface SetupInstanceUtils {
  app?: any
  service?: any
  servicePath?: string

These options are all configurable at the global and service levels. See descriptions in the global configuration section. Here is a description of how each option is handled when it's also configured globally:

  • idField overrides the global value
  • whitelist concatenated with the global value
  • paramsForServer concatenated with the global value
  • skipGetIfExists {Boolean} overrides the global value
  • handleEvents {Object} overrides the global value
  • debounceEventsTime {Number} overrides the global value
  • debounceEventsGuarantee {Boolean} overrides the global value
  • customSiftOperators {Object} merged over the global value
  • setupInstance {Function} runs after the global value. The global setupInstance will already have been applied by the time the service-level setupInstance runs.
  • customizeStore {Function} runs after the global customizeStore and receives the store data with globally- customized values.

Many thanks go to the Vue and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!