OFetch SSR Adapter for Feathers-Rest
The Nuxt team created a truly universal fetch
API in the form of ofetch. It's a great replacement for fetch in the browser and Node's undici on the server. It has a slightly different response API, eliminating the need to await
the response then also await
the format (.text
or .json
Since the API is slightly different than native browser fetch API, we've made a custom adapter for Feathers-Rest.
Follow these setups to get the OFetch
adapter working with your Nuxt app and the Feathers Client.
Install ofetch
The ofetch
adapter fulfills the promise of the fetch
API, being a universal client that works on client, server, and in serverless environments. Install it with the following command. Note that you can put it in devDependencies
since Nuxt makes a clean, standalone version of your project during build.
npm i ofetch -D
Add to Feathers Client
Here's an example of setting up the OFetch adapter to work with Feathers-Client in a Nuxt 3 plugin:
// plugins/1.feathers.ts
import { createClient } from 'feathers-pinia-api'
import { createPiniaClient } from 'feathers-pinia'
// rest imports for the server
import { $fetch } from 'ofetch'
import rest from '@feathersjs/rest-client'
import { OFetch } from 'feathers-pinia'
// socket.io imports for the browser
import socketio from '@feathersjs/socketio-client'
import io from 'socket.io-client'
* Creates a Feathers Rest client for the SSR server and a Socket.io client for the browser.
* Also provides a cookie-storage adapter for JWT SSR using Nuxt APIs.
export default defineNuxtPlugin(async (nuxt) => {
const host = import.meta.env.VITE_MYAPP_API_URL as string || 'http://localhost:3030'
// Store JWT in a cookie for SSR.
const storageKey = 'feathers-jwt'
const jwt = useCookie<string | null>(storageKey)
const storage = {
getItem: () => jwt.value,
setItem: (key: string, val: string) => (jwt.value = val),
removeItem: () => (jwt.value = null),
// Use Rest for the SSR Server and socket.io for the browser
const connection = process.server
? rest(host).fetch($fetch, OFetch)
: socketio(io(host, { transports: ['websocket'] }))
// create the feathers client
const feathersClient = createClient(connection, { storage, storageKey })
// wrap the feathers client
const api = createPiniaClient(feathersClient, {
pinia: nuxt.$pinia,
ssr: !!process.server,
idField: '_id',
whitelist: [],
paramsForServer: [],
skipGetIfExists: true,
customSiftOperators: {},
services: {},
return { provide: { api } }
// plugins/1.feathers.ts
import { feathers, type FeathersService } from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import authenticationClient from '@feathersjs/authentication-client'
import { createPiniaClient } from 'feathers-pinia'
// rest imports for the server
import { $fetch } from 'ofetch'
import rest from '@feathersjs/rest-client'
import { OFetch } from 'feathers-pinia'
// socket.io imports for the browser
import socketio from '@feathersjs/socketio-client'
import io from 'socket.io-client'
* Creates a Feathers Rest client for the SSR server and a Socket.io client for the browser.
* Also provides a cookie-storage adapter for JWT SSR using Nuxt APIs.
export default defineNuxtPlugin(async (nuxt) => {
const host = import.meta.env.VITE_MYAPP_API_URL as string || 'http://localhost:3030'
// Store JWT in a cookie for SSR.
const storageKey = 'feathers-jwt'
const jwt = useCookie<string | null>(storageKey)
const storage = {
getItem: () => jwt.value,
setItem: (key: string, val: string) => (jwt.value = val),
removeItem: () => (jwt.value = null),
// Use Rest for the SSR Server and socket.io for the browser
const connection = process.server
? rest(host).fetch($fetch, OFetch)
: socketio(io(host, { transports: ['websocket'] }))
// create the feathers client
const feathersClient = feathers<Record<string, FeathersService>>()
.configure(authenticationClient({ storage, storageKey }))
// wrap the feathers client
const api = createPiniaClient(feathersClient, {
pinia: nuxt.$pinia,
ssr: !!process.server,
idField: '_id',
whitelist: [],
paramsForServer: [],
skipGetIfExists: true,
customSiftOperators: {},
setupInstance(data) {
return data
customizeStore(defaultStore) {
return {}
services: {},
return { provide: { api } }