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🚧 Migrate from Vuex ≤ 4 🚧


For a detailed walkthrough refer to the setup guide that most matches your chosen framework.

Using Stores

The only way to directly reference a Feathers-Pinia store is through the Feathers Client:

const { api } = useFeathers()

const userStore = api.service('users').store


If you haven't completed the initial setup, please do so first.

The following steps outline the specific migration steps to apply to your codebase. The list might not be exhaustive, be sure to apply these concepts to any custom implmentation or variation you might have.

Convert your Models

See the section on converting from Model Classes to Implicit Modeling.


  • npm: (optionally) uninstall vuex and feathers-vuex and install pinia and feathers-pinia
  • imports:
    • setup your Feathers-Pinia client and the useFeathers composable.
    • replace all instances of from 'feathers-vuex' with const { api } = useFeathers

Breaking Changes

  • Add model instances to store after intantiation with instance.createInStore() (see here)
  • Find and replace state, getters and actions according to this list.


Make sure you import and create store beforehand with const <id>Store = use<id>Store

  • state: find and replace all $store.state.<id>.<stateName> with <id>Store.<stateName>
  • getters: find and replace all $store.state.<id>.<getterName> with <id>Store.<getterName>
  • mutations: find and remove all mutations and invocations via $store.commit. Replace with actions if needed.
  • actions: find and replace all $store.dispatch('<id>/<actionName>', payload) with <id>Store.<actionName>(payload)
  • Now apply the aforementioned steps by replacing $store with store (without $).
  • computed props from state: find and replace any object computed properties e.g. const doneTodos = computed({ get: () => $store.state.todos.doneTodos, set: (val) => $store.commit('todos/SET_DONE_TODOS', val) }) simply by accessin the reactive store directly via todosStore.doneTodos (and add this property to the state of the store). The same is true for computed props from getters.
  • ModelClass: find and replace all direct access via ModelClass with store.Model. Note you could still use e.g. const ModelClass = models.api[modelName], however store must be first initialized. Accessing the Model indirectly through the store ensures the store is previously instantiated.

Common Tools

  • useFind: is now service.useFind. The API is the same. See service.useFind
  • useGet: is now service.useGet. The API is the same. See service.useGet
  • usePagination: is integrated into service.useFind
  • handleClones: is gone and built into the instance interface. See Migrate Clone Handling

Renderless components

Renderless components have been removed and replaced by the service.useFind and service.useGet utilities.

Compared to Feathers-Vuex

Apart from being a LOT faster and having a really clean API (thanks to Pinia), there are a few breaking changes to some of the familiar processes from Feathers-Vuex.

New Model Instances Not Added to the store

With Feathers-Vuex, when you called new Model(data), the new instance would automatically get added to the store.

In Feathers-Pinia, you have to call to manually add the instance to the store.

const { api } = useFeathers()

const todo = api.service('todos').new({ name: 'do something' })

Calling .clone() on a clone is allowed

In Feathers-Vuex you couldn't call .clone() on a clone. Now, calling .clone() will do the same as calling clone.reset().

Store Structure Changes

Since state, getters, and actions all live inside the same Pinia store object, the getters have been renamed to avoid colliding with action names.


  • ids is no longer in state. It's now a getter named itemIds.
  • keyedById is now called itemsById.


  • service.findInStore takes the place of the find getter.
  • service.countInStore takes the place of the count getter.
  • service.getFromStore takes the place of the get getter.
  • service.patchInStore is new
  • service.removeFromStore is new and can remove items with a query.
  • takes the place of the ids array in data.
  • takes the place of the list getter.
  • is like itemIds but for temp records.
  • is a new array of temp records.
  • is like itemIds but for clone records.
  • is a new array of clone records.

Actions Mostly the Same

  • is new
  • update is removed.
  • is a new alias to addOrUpdate
  • is still around, but it's better to use instance.clone().
  • is still around, but it's better to use clone.commit().
  • is still around, but it's better to use clone.reset()
  • hydrateAll is removed. Hydration happens automagically as you pull data from the store.

No preferUpdate option

Feathers-Pinia does not have a preferUpdate option, nor does it support update. Use or instance.patch, instead.

Migrate handleClones

The handleClones and useClones utilities have been replaced by params.clones. See the page on Migrating handleClones

Many thanks go to the Vue and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!